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Imagining & Planning for Quality: Exploring Goals to Guide our Work


Thursday March 11th 3-4 PM ET (Deadline to Register: Monday March 8th) Learning Goals: Reflect on areas of SED and STEM that are traditionally strong or challenging for programs nationally and for your program/network specifically Create a vision and generate goals for strengthening STEM and SED in programming using the DoS framework and tools as […]

$122 Billion for Education in American Rescue Plan: What it means for OST programs


Date: Thursday, March 18, 1:00 p.m. (ET) Presenters: Ally Talcott, Principal, Legislative Counsel, National Summer Learning Association Sage Learn, National Director Government Relations, Boys & Girls Clubs of America Erik Peterson, Vice President of Policy, Afterschool Alliance   Congress recently passed, and the President signed into law American Rescue Plan, which provides $2 trillion in […]

Using The Walking Classroom in Afterschool (for both In-Person and Virtual Learning Environments)


The Walking Classroom is a simple and engaging program that is easily implemented in afterschool for in-person, virtual, and hybrid learning environments. The program is simple: kids listen to fun, educational podcasts that align with content standards while they take a brisk walk. The podcasts are supported by full lesson plans and many supplemental resources. […]

PART II: Incorporating STEM Role Models into Afterschool


This webinar is the second in a series of three webinars focused on STEM role models for afterschool networks and programs presented by the National Girls Collaborative and Techbridge Girls. The presenters will provide concrete strategies to effectively incorporate STEM role models into programs for girls and examples of role models in action. Whether you […]

Differing Abilities in STEM


Students of all abilities can be successful in the STEM economy and should be encouraged to pursue STEM experiences, coursework, and career paths. Join the Department, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, our special guest speaker, Dr. Temple Grandin, and esteemed panel as we explore how to create inclusive STEM environments that make it possible […]

Data Use in Out-of-School Time, Part III: Free and Low-Cost Resources for Evaluation and Continuous Quality Improvement in Afterschool


Professionals and practitioners in afterschool and summer programs see evidence that their work benefits young people every day, but may struggle to quantify and effectively tell the stories, especially when working with a limited budget. Fortunately, there are many terrific free and low-cost resources that afterschool and summer programs can use to refine their vision […]

Re-Engaging Students During COVID-19 


Over the past year, the pandemic has significantly disrupted learning and family life. Challenges brought about by COVID-19—including increased mobility, family economic hardship, and drastic changes to learning environments—have caused more young people than usual to leave or disengage from school. As a result, many educators and youth-supporting practitioners are thinking about attendance and engagement […]

The Graduate Profile: Imagine the Possibilities on #SELDay


As we prepare for graduation season at the end of this challenging school year, consider what it means for students to be ready for the future. What should we have prepared students to know and be able to do so they achieve their goals and become caring, civically-engaged members of their communities? On International #SELDay, […]

Addressing the Impact of COVID-19 through Summer Learning and Enrichment


Please join the U.S. Department of Education (ED) and the Center to Improve Social and Emotional Learning and School Safety at WestEd for a virtual discussion on Addressing the Impact of COVID through Summer Learning and Enrichment. Summer learning and enrichment programs can be beneficial in meeting the social, emotional, mental health and academic needs of […]

Creating Change: Leveraging DoS toward Continuous Growth


Tuesday March 30th 3-4 PM ET (Deadline to Register: Friday March 26th) Learning Goals: Learn how to use the freely available DoS planning tool and related data collection tools to grow and strengthen programming Discuss how to sustainably leverage data and planning resources to continue strengthening STEM and SED in your program/network

Incorporating Interactive Nutrition Education into Your Summer Programs


Date: Wednesday, March 31, 2:00 p.m. (ET) Presenters: Common Threads Join us to learn about how you can incorporate interactive nutrition education into your summer program. Common Threads' Small Bites Program teaches PreK-8th grade students about nutrition and healthy cooking through a series of eight lessons combining nutrition and snack making. The lessons are aligned […]