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Smarter Investments for Durable Change


Presenters: Commissioner Charlene M. Russell-Tucker, Connecticut Department of Education; State Superintendent Carey Wright, Ed.D., Mississippi Department of Education; a representative from the Council of Chief State School Officers; and others […]

Creating a Thriving OST Workforce


Join the National Afterschool Association (NAA) to learn about efforts to create a Thriving OST Workforce! As the professional association for the field, NAA’s mission is to create a strong […]

Silly & Serious SEL Snapshots


Presenter: Meredith Scott Lynn, WRiTE BRAiN WORLD In this fast-paced and interactive webinar, we’ll engage with both the silly and the serious. Come engage in activities that are both touching […]

Engage Every Student Launch Event


Every young person deserves both a quality education and the rich and varied opportunities and supports available in out-of-school time programs. With access to quality programs after school and during […]

Educating Future-Ready Students


Hosted by: CASEL Future success is about more than a degree or job. It is about students having a wide range of skills and attitudes, so how can we nourish […]