Partnering with Families for Early Career and Preservice Teachers
Hosted by: Kentucky Collocative for Families and Schools Increase your family engagement skills and build community with other early career teachers across Kentucky.
Hosted by: Kentucky Collocative for Families and Schools Increase your family engagement skills and build community with other early career teachers across Kentucky.
Hosted by: Kentucky Collaborative for Families and Schools Exchange ideas around what’s working in your school and troubleshoot challenge areas. National best practices and evidence-based strategies will also be shared.
High-quality instructional materials (HQIM) designed for next generation science can make a difference in the quality of equitable science teaching and learning throughout the educational system and for all learners […]
Join us to learn how play can be an effective tool to help kids build all kinds of skills, including those specific to STEAM! Presented by The Toy Association in […]
Join the Click2ComputerScience team as they review specific strategies and ways out of school time educators can prepare themselves, their programs, and space to lead computer science with youth. You […]
Hosted by: Kentucky Collaborative for Families and Schools Grab some quick and easy concrete strategies that work for increasing family engagement. Strategies presented by Kentucky families, educators, and community-based organizations.
Hosted by: National Afterschool Association Quality programs need skilled professionals and, to make the most impact, a strong and stable workforce. The Elevating Quality through Promising Workforce Practices webinar […]
Hosted by: Kentucky Collocative for Families and Schools Increase your family engagement skills and build community with other early career teachers across Kentucky.
An immersive virtual STEAM experience for middle and high school students. The world is a rapidly changing place with an enormous variety of discoveries and challenges facing rising Middle and […]
Presented by Kentucky Out-of-School Alliance and the Kentucky Collaborative for Families and Schools We are celebrating Family Engagement in Education Week. Join us to hear from a panel of […]
Calling all K-12 educators, mentors, corporate employers with community mentoring programs, and aspiring community scientists! In preparation for Computer Science Education Week (#CSEdWeek), please join Million Women Mentors for See […]