What Does it Take to Create an Equity Strategy and Discovery?
This session will focus on what it takes to create the conditions for getting started with the development of an equity strategy, as well as, identifying the key elements of […]
This session will focus on what it takes to create the conditions for getting started with the development of an equity strategy, as well as, identifying the key elements of […]
Please join us on February 2, 3–4:30 p.m. ET, when the NSLA, national literacy experts, and leaders of award-winning summer programs will discuss approaches and best practices for ensuring equitable […]
Are you looking to harness the summer of 2021 to help students develop their talents and passions while becoming reengaged in their education? Entrepreneur education can help students strengthen their […]
The Central East Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) in collaboration with the National Center for School Mental Health is pleased to offer a school mental health webinar series with […]
This session will guide participants through creating a plan and identifying components for a multi-year equity strategy. We will explore considerations for prioritizing areas of focus.
Review examples of what it can look like to begin implementation of equity-centered practices in different areas of a program/organization. Supplementary Tool: Sample Professional Development Plan
Join us February 17-19, 2021 for Beyond School Hours -- the nation’s most popular education conference is going virtual! Attracting a diverse audience of thousands, from frontline staff and school […]
In this session, participants will explore the structures and practices needed for an equity strategy to ultimately become ingrained in the fabric of an organization/program.
On Monday, February 22nd, join thousands of caring district leaders and educators for Panorama’s Virtual Summit. This free all-day conference will bring together thought leaders, researchers & practitioners to strengthen […]
The National Center on Afterschool and Summer Enrichment (NCASE) brief, How Partnerships and Innovations Support the Increased Need for School-Age Child Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic, highlights the ongoing importance […]
As we reflect on our country’s history and the progress Black people have led, we see a strong legacy of youth leadership. Many of the major accomplishments in the fight […]