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This Month

Calendar of Events

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PART I: Incorporating STEM Role Models Into Afterschool: Let’s get started!

1 event,


National Virtual Briefing on Summer Enrichment Funding

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1 event,


The Strategy Session: Leveraging the Science of Learning and Development to Advance Excellence and Equity

2 events,


Ten Big Bets: Transforming Education During the Pandemic and Beyond


Lessons from the Pandemic: Student and Practitioner Perspectives on Mutually-Supportive Relationships

1 event,


Imagining & Planning for Quality: Exploring Goals to Guide our Work

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1 event,


$122 Billion for Education in American Rescue Plan: What it means for OST programs

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2 events,


Using The Walking Classroom in Afterschool (for both In-Person and Virtual Learning Environments)


PART II: Incorporating STEM Role Models into Afterschool

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3 events,


Differing Abilities in STEM


Data Use in Out-of-School Time, Part III: Free and Low-Cost Resources for Evaluation and Continuous Quality Improvement in Afterschool


Re-Engaging Students During COVID-19 

1 event,


The Graduate Profile: Imagine the Possibilities on #SELDay

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Addressing the Impact of COVID-19 through Summer Learning and Enrichment

1 event,


Creating Change: Leveraging DoS toward Continuous Growth

1 event,


Incorporating Interactive Nutrition Education into Your Summer Programs

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