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National Science Teaching Association Atlanta Conference

Atlanta, Georgia

Special rate through January 27, 2023: $445 (after January 27, 2022 rate will increase to $470) This event will take place from March 22-25 next spring. Created “by educators, for educators” NSTA Atlanta23 is thoughtfully developed with you in mind! The conference is perfect for pre-service/new teachers and classroom veterans (K-12), professors, informal educators, administrators, […]


National Afterschool Association Convention

Orlando, FL

Special Rate through November 4, 2022: $575 (after November 4, 2022 rate will increase to $595) Prepare for sunshine and soul shine at the NAA Convention in Orlando, Florida, from March 19-22, 2023. NAA23 is the ultimate charging station—powering human connections, inspired learning, and meaningful recognition for OST professionals. Experience the joy and rejuvenation, ‘the […]



At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to do the following: Establish a shared understanding of critical terms around antiracism Examine ways racist concepts manifest in, through, and around us daily Explore questions designed to inform antiracist action