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Beyond School Hours Conference


Join us February 17-19, 2021 for Beyond School Hours -- the nation’s most popular education conference is going virtual! Attracting a diverse audience of thousands, from frontline staff and school leaders to philanthropic organizations and the U.S. Department of Education, the Beyond School Hours conference focuses on hands-on, interactive workshops on the topics that matter […]

Sustainability of the Equity Plan


In this session, participants will explore the structures and practices needed for an equity strategy to ultimately become ingrained in the fabric of an organization/program.

Centering Equity and the Whole Child Virtual Summit


On Monday, February 22nd, join thousands of caring district leaders and educators for Panorama’s Virtual Summit. This free all-day conference will bring together thought leaders, researchers & practitioners to strengthen the belonging, social-emotional learning, equity, and achievement of students, staff, and school communities. Experience live sessions by renowned speakers like Elena Aguilar and Dr. Tracey […]

How Partnerships and Innovations Support the Increased Need for School-Age Child Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic


The National Center on Afterschool and Summer Enrichment (NCASE) brief, How Partnerships and Innovations Support the Increased Need for School-Age Child Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic, highlights the ongoing importance of out-of-school-time (OST) programming for working families. This need has grown during the COVID-19 pandemic, and states and territories are employing innovative partnership strategies to […]

Game Changers: Celebrating & Learning from Black Youth Leadership


As we reflect on our country’s history and the progress Black people have led, we see a strong legacy of youth leadership. Many of the major accomplishments in the fight for equality have been the result of youth activism, youth-led policy change, and the relentless action of new generations unsatisfied with the status quo. While […]

PART I: Incorporating STEM Role Models Into Afterschool: Let’s get started!


This webinar is the first in a three-part series of webinars focused on STEM role models for afterschool networks and programs, presented by the National Girls Collaborative. Exposure to diverse STEM role models can broaden girls’ perceptions of STEM careers and dispel stereotypes about who does STEM. The presenters will provide an overview of STEM […]

National Virtual Briefing on Summer Enrichment Funding


Please join Senators Chris Murphy (CT) and Michael Bennett (CO), along with national out-of-school time leaders on March 3, 2021, for an update on a K-12 reconciliation bill that includes dedicated summer enrichment funding to support America’s most vulnerable students. The Senators urge Congress to include dedicated funding in the next COVID-19 relief package to […]

Ten Big Bets: Transforming Education During the Pandemic and Beyond


Date: Wednesday, March 10, 1:00 p.m. (ET)/ 10:00 a.m. (PT) Presenter: Dr. Gil Noam The global pandemic has thrown our schools and OST programs into disarray. Teachers, parents, and children alike face uncertainty, while distance learning strains the human connections that make school meaningful. In his new book, Ten Big Bets: Transforming Education During the […]

Lessons from the Pandemic: Student and Practitioner Perspectives on Mutually-Supportive Relationships


Research validates what students and educators have long known: learning happens through relationships. In a year where relationships between students and practitioners—teachers, AmeriCorps members serving in schools, out-of-school providers— have been interrupted and reimagined due to COVID-19, what can be learned from young people and adults about the ways they have mutually supported each other […]

Imagining & Planning for Quality: Exploring Goals to Guide our Work


Thursday March 11th 3-4 PM ET (Deadline to Register: Monday March 8th) Learning Goals: Reflect on areas of SED and STEM that are traditionally strong or challenging for programs nationally and for your program/network specifically Create a vision and generate goals for strengthening STEM and SED in programming using the DoS framework and tools as […]