Date: Wednesday, May 26, 2:00 p.m. (ET)
Engaging students and families over the summer break, especially those facing the biggest challenges from the pandemic, is essential for a successful return to school. Working together we can create a bridge to school an intentional approach that utilizes the summer to create connection, a feeling of belonging and excitement about learning.
Join this Attendance Awareness Campaign webinar to learn how schools, districts, public agencies and community partners can use their attendance and participation data to organize and tailor summer programming. Our speakers will share how they create opportunities for students to play and socialize with peers, engage in fun learning activities and practice the routine of showing up in person. You’ll learn how to use Covid-19 recovery funding to support summer programs and how to grow connections with expanded learning providers and other community partners. Summer is an ideal time to pilot and improve strategies that can be taken to scale during the year and to identify students and families who might need even more support to successfully transition to school in the fall.