Our next STEM Coalition call will be July 9th at 1:00-2:30 EDT. Maryann Stimmer from STEMeducators Inc. will be presenting on STEM identity, inquiry-based learning, and the value of informal STEM education. We’ll also check in on our system building work and discuss next steps.
Meeting info is below. And if you haven’t had a chance to complete our three-question STEM Partner survey, please take a moment to do so.
When it’s time, click here to join the meeting. Enter the meeting number (access code) when prompted.
Meeting number (access code): 648 461 838
Meeting password: pHBcWDbQ (if asked)
If you are unable to join the call via WebEx, you can join by phone; however, you will not be able to see the presentation.
1-844-740-1264 USA Toll Free
Click here to download a meeting invite that you can add to your calendar.