Partner Learning Series Session 4: Developing an Action Plan for Summer
March 22nd | 1:00e/12:00c
Featured Presenter: Leslie Gabay-Swantson, National Summer Learning Association
For our fourth and final session this year, we are thrilled to have Leslie Gabay-Swantson, Director of Programs and Systems Building at National Summer Learning Association (NSLA). Leslie is responsible for translating NSLA’s strategic priorities into services, projects, and partnerships that strengthen summer learning programs and build capacity for providers, intermediaries, and communities. The National Summer Learning Association (NSLA) believes programs and communities should strive to continuously improve their summer learning programs by implementing a four-part annual quality improvement cycle. During this webinar we will discuss why this is important, what it entails and how you can begin to develop your own action plan for summer.
Participation is free and registration is not required, just join via WebEx at appropriate time. This session has been approved for PD/training hours through ECE-TRIS, but participants must enter their name and school/site in the webinar chat box to receive credit.
Update 4.4.18: To view a recording of this session, please click here.