The Kentucky Out-of-School Alliance is proud to partner with our colleagues from around the country to launch the Statewide Afterschool Networks (SAN) Summer Re-Boot Camp, a free program consisting of a four week intensive summer virtual training series. Like many of the virtual conferences that the 50 State Afterschool Networks have hosted in the past, these training sessions will help prepare programs to meet their full potential to serve children and families in our communities this summer. The Re-Boot Camp will be broken into thematic weeks with six pre-recorded (asynchronous) sessions per week. Trainings will available until July 31.
- Week 1 (May 31 – June 4): Summer Programming 101: What to Expect
- Planning Meaningful Field Trips
- Professionalism and Ethics in Afterschool and Summer Programs
- Behavior Management
- Transitions
- Summer Safety
- Summer Data Part 1 | Summer At-a-Glance: The Big Picture
- Week 2 (June 7 – June 11): More than Beads, Putting Intention into Activities
- Supervision and Leadership of Children and Youth
- What is SEL?
- Self-Care on the Frontline
- Planning for Fun
- Trauma Informed Programming
- Summer Data Part 2 | Got SMART Goals, Now What?
- Week 3 (June 14 – June 18): Partnerships for Impactful Learning Recovery
- Self-Assessment Basics
- Relationship Skills
- Collecting Data Remotely
- Celebrate!
- Service Learning
- Summer Data, Part 3 | Planning for Summer Adjustments
- Week 4 (June 21 – June 25): Connecting with Families and the Community
- Telling Your Story: Using Program Data to Strengthen the Case for Afterschool and Summer Programs
- How to TikTok: Keeping up with Youth Culture
- Goodbyes are Hard
- Building Positive Relationships with Families
- Lessons Learned From The Outdoors
- Aligning Systems of Support for the Success of Children and Families
Programs can combine what they learn from the SAN Summer Re-Boot Camp with program resources like our FREE Summer Activity Guides or resources from NAA’s Summer of Inspiration Products & Services Catalog to create a high-quality summer enrichment experience.
The SAN Re-Boot Camp was developed with leadership from the Connecticut After School Network, Utah Afterschool Network, Maine Afterschool Network, Missouri AfterSchool Network, ACT Now! (Illinois Mott Network), Oregon ASK (Oregon Mott Network) in collaboration with the 50 State Afterschool Network.