Partner Learning Series Session 1: How Do They Do It? The Grade-Level Reading Campaign and Communities Moving the Needle
October 5th | 1:00/12:00c
Featured Presenter: Yolie Flores, CGLR
Yolie is Chief Program Officer for the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading, a collaborative effort of foundations, nonprofit partners, states and communities across the nation to ensure that more children from low-income families succeed in school. In this role, Yolie is leading the work on School Readiness and Successful Parents and supporting over 300 communities in their efforts to ensure that more children are reading at grade level by the end of third grade.
During this hour, participants will hear about the work of the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading (CGLR) and how over 300 communities nationally are moving the needle on literacy achievement. The session will also provide highlights of one or two communities for greatest impact.
Join us via WebEx (Note: No registration necessary, just join the webinar when it starts and enter the meeting number and password if prompted.)
Meeting number (access code): 644 542 248
Meeting password: YPyFMiyB